Northshore Chicago Plastic Surgeon is the First Female President of The Aesthetic Surgery and Research Foundation (ASERF)

Published on May 5, 2009
Northshore Chicago plastic surgeon Laurie Casas, MD is the new President of the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF).

Northshore Chicago plastic surgeon Laurie Casas, MD is the new President of the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF). ASERF research helps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of new aesthetic (cosmetic) plastic surgical techniques and technologies by funding scientific research and clinical studies. ASERF membership is open to all individuals and organizations interested in supporting the Foundation's mission.

Dr. Casas was born in Puerto Rico and was raised in the Northshore of Chicago. Her practice is located in Glenview IL, and she has an independent medical spa in Highland Park, IL. Dr. Casas has been a full time faculty member at Northwestern University for 19 years and will end her affiliation June 19, 2009, and she will be a Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Chicago Medical Center Pritzker School of Medicine, Section of Plastic Surgery. She has been an Aesthetic Society Member since 1997, and has served on the ASAPS Board since 2004. Dr. Casas is a member of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal's Editorial Board and serves as the Journal's Breast Surgery Section Editor. She is a past Commissioner of the Aesthetic Society's Communication's Commission and currently serves as the Chair of the Society's NonSurgical Procedures Committee.

Dr. Casas has been in private practice for 19 years while maintaining her full time academic status. She received her medical degree and served both her general surgery and plastic surgery residencies at Northwestern University. Additionally, she completed a microsurgery research fellowship at Southern Illinois University, an aesthetic plastic surgery fellowship at New York University, and a breast reconstruction fellowship at St. Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta, GA. She was certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) in 1992 and she has been a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) since 1995.

"As plastic surgeons concerned about patient safety, we want to be sure that the treatments we recommend are backed by good science and sufficient clinical experience," says Dr. Casas. "The research sponsored by the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation ensures that there is continued innovation backed by sound research."

President-Elect: Geoffrey Keyes, MD of Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Keyes is the President-Elect of the California Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Secretary/Treasurer for the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). Dr. Keyes has been involved in technology and design of Internet based quality assurance and peer review for AAASF. He is a member of the Aesthetic Society's Finance, Patient Safety, and Distance Learning Committees.

Vice President: William P. Adams, Jr. of Dallas, TX. Dr. Adams maintains a private practice in plastic surgery in Dallas, TX. In addition, he also serves as an Associate Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX. Dr. Adams co-chairs the Hot Topics Seminars, co-sponsored by ASERF and the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF).

Treasurer: James C. Grotting, MD of Birmingham, AL. Dr. Grotting has been in practice in Birmingham, Alabama for 24 years. He has a private practice there and is Clinical Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is the editor of Reoperative Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, a two-volume textbook now in its second edition. He has been an invited professor for dozens of Universities and societies worldwide. He has written several additional textbooks and multiple chapters and scientific papers particularly in plastic surgery of the face and breast. He has donated many weeks of volunteer surgery since 1987 with Operation Smile for the free care of children with facial deformities worldwide.

Secretary: Vernon Leroy Young, MD of St. Louis, MO. Dr. Young is currently in private aesthetic surgery practice, he is a past William G. Hamm Professor of Plastic Surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Dr. Young co-chairs the Hot Topics Seminars, co-sponsored by ASERF and the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF). He chairs the PSEF's Directed Research Committee, and chairs ASAPS Breast Surgery and Non-Surgical Procedures Committees. He also chairs the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Plastic Surgery Device Subcommittee and is an examiner for the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

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