The Aesthetic Foundation’s mission is to improve the safety and effectiveness of aesthetic surgery and medicine.

Demand for aesthetic procedures has been rapidly increasing over the past few years. However, this growing market also comes with its fair share of challenges.

One of the biggest issues facing the industry is patient safety. The rise in unqualified practitioners offering cosmetic services and the increased speed at which new aesthetic products come to market contribute to this issue. As a result, patients are at risk of receiving unsafe treatments, which can have serious and sometimes life-threatening consequences.

There are also negative misconceptions about aesthetic surgery and medicine that prevent people from getting an aesthetic procedure that could benefit them.

To address the challenges facing our industry, more research is needed to improve patient safety and advance the field of aesthetic plastic surgery. 

Research can help answer some of the toughest questions in aesthetics, such as the long-term effects of certain procedures, the best techniques for minimizing complications, the risks or benefits associated with aesthetic products, and so much more.

Yes, the aesthetic surgery industry is facing significant challenges, but there are also opportunities for growth and improvement. 

By prioritizing patient safety and investing in research, we can ensure that the industry continues to evolve and thrive.

Advancing aesthetics starts with research. Research is possible thanks to you.