
Get Involved

Aesthetic advancement starts with you.

Whether you volunteer your time, share your expertise, participate in a program, spread our message, or donate, every bit of support matters.

Ways to Get Involved


Become a Member

Membership is the first step in supporting The Aesthetic Foundation.

Join a Committee

Once you’re a member, you can further your contributions and impact by volunteering your time.

Sign Up To Mentor

Mentoring is a rewarding way to guide the next generation of aesthetic plastic surgeons.

Access ARC via AestheticConnect

Aesthetic Research Community (ARC) is an online community of surgeons who collaborate on research.

Participate in a Program

The Foundation offers various programs each year at The Aesthetic Meeting.

Learn About SETA

SETA is an innovative systems solution revolutionizing how you conduct research.
Bruce Van Natta
Volunteering is a rewarding experience, and I get to work alongside colleagues I admire and respect.
Bruce W. Van Natta , MD
Past President, The Aesthetic Foundation

Provide Financial Support

As a nonprofit, we rely on donations to fulfill our mission and graciously accept your contibutions.


Raise Cash for Research

Support The Aesthetic Foundation’s mission at The Aesthetic Meeting.

When you stop by The Aesthetic Marketplace booths and “Scan to Connect,” participating companies will donate $100 to our Foundation. You can also show your support by signing up to run in our “5K Fun Run.”

Your involvement is an installment in our industry’s future. Together, we advance aesthetics.